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Craig Loughridge

Thrift Store opens to eager crowds

Day 1 of St. Vincent de Paul's only thrift store in Portland started with little hoopla. But an eager crowd outside Thursday foreshadowed the many smiles as visitors streamed in throughout the day.

People standing inside store
Long-time St. Vincent de Paul volunteers served as greeters to customers getting their first glimpse at the store interior.

Hundreds came, and took away thousands of bargains. Yet, much more remains as donors continue to bring in their lightly used goods to support the store. A clean, organized interior showcases everything from shoes to coats to collectibles to TV sets to seasonal goods, and so much more.

On this first day, balloons and free hot dogs accentuated the visitors' experience.

"The prices were so great," said one shopper. "And eventually, this money is going to go back into the community. It will be a such a boon to the needy."

The store is now open daily, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., at 17108 SE Powell Blvd., Portland, OR 97236.


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