Rent Help
When you need help to avoid losing your housing, St. Vincent de Paul can be there to help when no one else will. Part of our mission is to keep people from losing their housing in times of trouble.

Late Rent
Has an unexpected bill got you worried? Can't figure out how to pay your rent and fix your car? When you don't have someone else to turn to, we may be able to help. We may not keep you from avoiding a late fee, but we might be able to come up with the rest of the money you need to make your month's rent.
Eviction Notices
Did you get a payment plan from the eviction court? Has your management company given you a written notice that it intends to file for eviction? Don't hesitate. Know your rights and responsibilities. Visit the Oregon State Bar website, and contact us to see if we might be able to help pay enough of your rent to get you back on your feet.
Inability to Pay
If you're living on a fixed income because of a disability or retirement, we may be able to help stretch your resources. We may even be able to help if you don't have a disability determination from Social Security or the Veterans Administration.